May 19, 2008


ABC's "getting to know you" TAG ABC's of you. Each player then tags 3 people and posts their names, then go to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

A- Attached or single: Attached

B- Best Friend: Derek :)

C- Cake or Pie: Cake

D- Day: Friday

E- Essential Item: sadly my phone

F- Favorite Color: Purple

G- Gummi Bears or Worms: Worms

H- Home town: Kaysville

I- Indulgences: Ice Cream, Chocolate, long showers, movies

J- January or July?: July, the 4th is one of my favorite Holidays!

K- Kids: two of the cutest!

L- Life is incomplete without: My Family

M- Marriage Date: April 10, 2003

N- Number of Siblings: 4

O- Oranges or Apples: Apples

P- Phobias or Fears: The dark, heights, something happening to my husband or kids.

Q- Quote: I don't really have a favorite quote, at least I can't think of one.

R- Reason To Smile: Seeing my kids run up to me when I get home, or watching them sleep, Derek just being Derek :)

S- Season: Spring

T- Tag Three: Mom, Hollie, Jaime

U- Unknown fact about me: I'm pregnant! lol just kidding I just can't think of anything!

V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: I love meat!

W- Worst Habit: Procrastination

X- Rays or Ultrasounds: hmmm I would have to say Ultrasound cause they were really fun when I was pregnant.

Y- Your favorite food: Chicken and Rice made almost any way, and potatoes

Z- Zodiac Sign: Pisces


Denise Christiansen said...

how fun is that? cute cute cute pics!

Monica Child said...

Hi. How the heck are ya? I need to sit down and read through your blog, see what you've been up to. Your kids are darling! I found you on Jamie's blog. Hope to keep in touch. Talk to you later.