Christmas was Awesome! Christmas Eve we went to my moms and just had a great time being with each other We had yummy food all night, made an awesome gingerbread house and played some fun games. Then Christmas morning we stopped by again and talked to my brother Mike and his family in Englad and did our gift exchange. It was fun this year because we had skype and got to see everyone open their presents. Then later that day we headed over to Dereks moms house and had a great time together. We exchanged all our gifts and had a wonderful dinner then just had a fun time hanging out, talking and playing with all their new toys. It was cute, all day Kaden kept wanting to have cake for Jesus' birthday and sing to him, I love that they are starting to pick up on what it is really all about. I loved all the time with family and just being together.
The week before Christmas we had our ward party and I was on the commitee to plan it. It was a lot of work, but it turned out great. We had Dereks dad come as Santa Clause and he did a great job. Unfortunately he has one of the unmistakable voices and the kids recongnized his voice and said "that's not Santa, that's Grandpa!!" So I had to explain the whole santas helper thing and they were still thrilled to get to tell him what they wanted. It was a lot of fun.
We are here and alive
10 years ago
So cute!! I LOVE that picture of Chloe coming around the corner.
these are so fun but it makes me miss my home!!! :'(
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