September 2, 2010

More summer activities

So there was a lot going on this summer and I got way too busy to sit down and do very many posts, so I just wanted to post some of the things I missed. Chloe was in a dance class a while ago and she loved it, at the end they did a little recital. It was so cute. I was really afraid that she would be way too shy and just stand on stage the whole time but she actually did really awesome. She loved it and loved all the attention she got from family. I think her favorite part about it though was getting to wear makeup! She was walking around like a little model after I put it on her. She was so adorable and it made me so happy to see her up there. She has come a long way from being so shy. I only have a couple short clips of the dance because of course, my luck, my cameras memory card was not in the camera! A little is better than none though and we got some really cute pictures.
We also got to go to Park City with my family for a little family vacation. We had a blast! The
kids favorite part was lots and lots of swimming and the little gondola ride. My favorite was just relaxing and playing games with family. It was really nice to just relax for a week and not worry about everything else.

This was Chloes favorite part, she flew so high and wanted to do it over and over again.

I love this picture, yes those are shower caps

We went to Lagoon and I don't think I've ever had as much fun as I did this time and I only went on like 5 rides. It was all about Kaden and Chloe and they had such a blast. Last time we went they were too afraid to go on any rides, so I really thought it would be hard to get them on any, especially Chloe. They went on every kid ride and just wanted more and more, they even liked the ones that were a little scarey. Chloes favorite was the one that is like a mini rocket. She was so cute, when we first dropped she kind of freaked and had this look on her face like she was going to die but then started laughing and wanted to go again. Kadens favorites were the ones he could control going up and down and of course the ships with the guns. He also really liked the Octopus one that you can get really wet on, especially if the lever is "broken"... wink wink Karalee! Ha ha. Grandma took Kaden on that one and got soaked because the button that moved you up and down was "broken." Ya she was pushing the non existent button instead of pulling on the lever so they were going right through the water every time. LOL she was such a good sport. It was so fun watching them laugh and have a blast.
We went to Cherry Hill with my family a few weeks ago and had a great time. Kaden and Chloe couldn't get enough of the slide at Pirates Cove, and Jace was having a ball crawling around in the water, he LOVES the water. I made a huge mistake of thinking I could take Kaden and Chloe down Cardiac Canyon by myself. Never again! I thought we were going to die, what a nightmare. Chloe was screaming the whole way down and could barely hang on to her tube, and Kaden was freaking out because I lost hold of him down the first hill and was afraid I would loose him again. I could barely see them over their tubes, so I was holding their wrists and my tube while getting ripped in half with one child already down the hill and the other still on top and me in the middle holding on for dear life to both of them and trying to calm them down the whole time. I don't think any of us had fun on that ride, not a good idea. So the rest of the day we stuck to the lazy river and pirates cove, which is the best idea for anyone going to Cherry Hill with little kids.

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