February 19, 2010

Happy Birthday!!

So it was Chloes' birthday but my computer was broken again for a while so I am just now getting this post done. My baby girl turned 3 and she couldn't be more of a girl! She is THE princess! It cracks me up how prissy she is. She loves purses, and makeup, and carries as much stuff around in her purse as she can all day long. Every morning, she wakes up and has to get "dressed" it is usually some clothes out of her bin in her closet that is full of clothes that don't fit her any more, but lately it is always a princess dress, or dress up or both of them combined, but she always has on the princess shoes. The best part is when I tell her it is time to get dressed if we have to go somewhere and I pull normal clothes out of her closet, she cries and says they aren't pretty enough, and she won't be pretty in those clothes! Oh my, I am in trouble! Here is a couple examples of the types of outfits she puts together in the morning...

This is the favorite lately...
That is an old dress, and pants, yes pants, not capris

This one had me a little worried :) the shoes make me laugh
She had such a fun birthday and really felt like a princess, she was so sweet and kept telling people thankyou so much, it was really cute. This was my first attempt at making a cute cake, not just a normal one...

This was just too cute, this is my cute little niece Gracie, Jace kept taking the bracelt from her, it was funny.


Hollie and Mike Christiansen said...

This is too funny that she is up and a princess all day. I should send you some of our dresses that are big, but she would love them when they finally fit. Taylor never wears them. Maybe I will just bring them when we one day visit again. happy Birthday to Chloe. and good job on the cakes.

Denise Christiansen said...

Fun stuff!
I can't believe how much Jace and Grace look alike! Lol they could be twins with that name Senerio