March 16, 2009

Whats it gonna be?

I have my targeted ultra sound appointment tomorrow and hopefully I can find out what we are having finally! I am really excited and can't wait to see. It was stubborn last appointment and wouldn't show us what it was. Any bets on what its gonna be?


Jamie said...

I've been wondering when you were gonna find out! I'm gonna guess you're having a boy just cuz it was stubborn :) ha ha. I have my targeted ultrasound on Thursday. She's said she thinks it's a boy but he was being stubborn too. We'll find out for sure hopefully then. How have you been feeling? What day are you due again? I know we're due close to the same time. I'm due the 12th.

Hollie and Mike Christiansen said...

I am thinking boy. Dont' really matter what I think, because it is not going to change the outcome right? :) We are excited to hear about what the new addition will be.

Matt and Jeni and kids said...

I think a boy! Kaden needs somone to gaurd him as he is dunking the basketball within the next couple of years! I guess a girl is just as capable, but who knows!

Jaime said...

My bet is a girl because when I ran into Derek on Sunday it sounded like you two could only come up with boy names. Either way, your set cuz you already have one of each. Lucky girl!