March 17, 2009

It's A...

It's A Boy!!!
Well we had our appointment and I wanted to make sure it would move so I drank a bunch of caffiene before my appointment. Ha Ha it worked though, a little too good. He wouldn't hold still! Kaden and Chloe loved watching the baby move on the screen, and Kaden was very excited to hear he was having a baby brother. He did not want a sister! So now its time to think of the name, the hardest part.


Unknown said...

Congrats guys!!! We're excited for you, he'll be such a little cutie (like the others).

Denise Christiansen said...

thats great! so happy for kaden esp. he wanted a boy so bad!
i cant see his you know...

Hollie and Mike Christiansen said...

I tried to wait, but we couldn't! That is awesome guys, boys are awesome. So where is a belly picture on this blog, I keep looking and looking, :)

Jamie said...

Congrats! I'm with you, boy names are SO HARD!

Jay and Krista said...

Congrats!!! I'm super excited for you!

Jamie said...

To answer your question, we had about 15 names on the poll, but we've narrowed it down to about 5. The favorites that we can agree on are Easton, Jace, Cole, Blake, and Garrett. I still have a few I'm trying to talk him into though! What name were you thinking?

Wades said...

congrats!! i actually had a dream last night that you were having a boy...and his name was joel. ha ha...

Jaime said...

Congrats! Hey I tried calling you twice last week & you never called me back :( meanie j/k I'm sure your busy. Anyway, that's funny that Kaden didn't want another sister.