November 24, 2008

Go Utes!!!

Derek is very excited, to say the least, about the season Utah has played. He had a blast at the games he was able to go too. Kaden even got to tag along for a couple of them and he hasn't stopped talking about it. Every time he sees a football game on TV he says "member we went to that game Daddy?! member?!" He loved it and was actually really good to sit with Derek the whole time. He was cheering and screaming with the rest of the crowd. Like father like son!


The Viewer said...

Kaden is so cute... i'm going to cry.. and I don't know why!

It's a ME! Stacie! said...

For Cute!
I have an idea for my dad for Christmas. I want to hear yours and derek's opinion.So, really I don't know why I'm telling you on here. I'll call y'all

Denise Christiansen said...

sooooooooooooooo stinkin cute!!!!!!!!!!