September 16, 2007

Go Utes!!

Well we really don't have a lot going on with us as you can tell I haven't added anything to this for a long time. Derek is getting really excited about football season. He already has the kids dressed up and cheering for Utah! I took a really cute picture of them during the game today.

Kaden loves the games already. He jumps up and cheers and claps and screams. He get excited every time dad does. It is so fun to watch. He is learning so much, and talking a lot. You can't understand a lot of it but it is sure fun watching him try! He learned the head shoulders knees and toes song and is so proud of himself and loves to show off. I laughed so hard today when I told Derek to come here and he looked at Derek and said "comere" while he did the motion with his finger to come here! Chloe is more just intriged with the TV screen. She is getting so big so fast. She is sitting up really good now. She still falls over once in a while when she tries to look up at you, and she loves to look at you. I put her in the swing while I was trying to cook dinner and it didn't really work because she kept doing this...

She learned how to clap today, it was so cute and she was so proud of herself. She is trying so hard to crawl, she gets around really well though rolling around and scooting on her back and tries really hard to scoot on her stomach but gets really frustrated and screams if she can't do what she is trying to do. As for me, well you all know I am looking for a job, now that is not fun. I haven't had to do this for a long time. I am enjoying the time at home with the kids though. I got a new calling and I am very nervouse about it. I got called to be the enrichment night leader!! Ya that means I am in charge of all of them and I have to plan them and come up with ideas!! Yikes. I hope the commitee that I call has a lot of ideas cause I know I won't be able to do it by myself. We will see how that goes. Well it's late so I will go for now.

1 comment:

Hollie and Mike Christiansen said...

Thanks Kalli and Derek for starting this to keep us up to date! How fun to see the kids grow and learn things about them. GO UTES from here too!! :)
Enjoy your time with the kids while you are job hunting, i'm sure this is all a big blessing that will turn out in the end. Chloe is getting big, and it would be fun to watch Kaden learn to talk and mimic everything you do.
We love you guys!!