November 28, 2010

The game!

Kaden got to go to the UTAH - BYU game with Derek. Derek had been hyping it up all week, so he was so excited to go. We bundled him up in lots of layers because it was so cold but leave it to Kaden to ask for a SNOW CONE at the game!! Luckily Derek was able to talk him into a hot chocolate instead. After the game they ran down on the field and got to meet some of the players. He had such a blast and thought it was the coolest thing to meet them.

Matt AsiataBrian Blechen


Megan Maree Walker Boehm said...

How fun!! Even though BYU lost :( Great pics, thats funny that he wanted a snow cone

Matt and Jeni and kids said...

good memories!!

Jay and Krista said...

Soo cute!! I'm glad he had a good time!