June 2, 2010

First swim of the summer!!!

It was so stinkin hot today and the kids had a blast playing outside at our friends house. So much fun that it took me bribing them that we would get our pool out at home if they would come in and get their shoes on. So even though it was cooling off fast, I kept my word and got our pool out. I tried adding hot water to make it warmer but that took far too long. They still had a blast though, even Jace was enjoying himself. When the lips got purple it was time to go in. Kaden was shivering and his teeth were chattering but I still had to force him inside, he said he wasn't ready yet. It was a really fun day!


Matt and Jeni and kids said...

Please tell me that is the color of the bottom of the pool and you just don't have a lot of algae in your water!! he he looks like a lot of fun!

Blaisdell's said...

Fun! I need to get Raegan a pool. We need to get together sometime!

Denise Christiansen said...

What cute fun pics and stories! His expression was so classic!!:0. Gotta love it! Your memorial activities made me feel left out:( we were scrubbing our butts off all day:/
glad u all had a fun safe day!