July 26, 2008

Take a walk down memory lane...

Follow the instructions :)

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you know me a little or a lot, anything you remember--it can be funny, weird, awkward, random, etc.!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.


Kasey, Chelsi, Auklin and Kanyin said...

Well one of the best memmories I think still is when we made up a dance and actions to Earl had to die by the Dixie Chicks- There we were at like 1 in the morning in the basement doing these actions over and over until we had them DOWN! We thought we were so cool!!! hahahahaha

Hollie and Mike Christiansen said...

ok, finally sat down to do this. I think forever I will love the time we spent at Girl's Camp. We stayed up later than anyone, including leaders and just really had a good heart to heart. That was a great time to get to know you and I wish I was aroudn more to have those more often!

Amee Campbell said...

Most memories are of when you worked at GAT. I loved being able to talk to you everyday about my life.... that really is what my memories of you are. And of course when we get together (not as much anymore:( ) and just hang out.

Jamie said...

I remember on your first FAM trip we shared a room. We had to find a way to go to the store for "stuff" while we were at the Dana Inn. And we missed the naked guy doing the shimmy at the hot tub. Good ol' GAT.

Jaime said...

Sadly the memories are from GAT too, but I like the ones better of when we would get together & go out to eat! We need to have another night out soon!

Denise Christiansen said...

I'll never forget the moment you were born, so eager and full of life you shot out so fast the Dr. had to jump and reach to catch you!
your eyes were huge and bright, full of wonder. soooooooo cute too!!! I relive that joy every time I look at Chloe!