This summer we did a lot more swimming, probably because Chloe finally got use to it and loves it instead of being terrified just walking near a pool. These are the picture of just swimming in our back yard in the cool pool Grandma got for them! They were so excited and had a blast, My nephew Auklin came over the next day and they had even more fun.
Derek and I have been married for ten years. We have four beautiful kids, Kaden, 8 years old, Chloe, 6 years old, Jace 4 years old, and Luci is 1 year old. Kaden loves playing outside and loves any sport. He always wants to be throwing a ball around. He is always willing to help out and loves his family. He is full of love for everyone and is a great friend. Chloe is definately a girly girl. She loves shoes, makeup, talking and knows how to get what she wants. She loves doing any craft, helping me cook and loves helping with her baby sister. Chloe is a good friend and loves her family. Jace is my ball of energy. He is very active and has his own plan that is hard to change. He has such a funny personality and is always making me laugh. He also has such a sweet side and is always willing to cuddle and give hugs. Luci is such a doll, she is full of energy and is learning how to "control" those around her. She loves music and dancing. She loves to laugh and play silly games. Luci is very smart and catches on to and understands so much. She just loves he big sister and wants to follow her everywhere. Everyday with my family is a blessing.