September 14, 2010

First day of school!

Kaden finally got to go to pre-school this year. He has been looking forward to this forever. He really wanted to go last year but he wasn't quite potty trained so he couldn't. His face lit up so bright when I told him he was going this year and couldn't stop smiling when we went to pick out his back pack. He was so big and brave and had no hesitations walking into class. He hardly took time to say goodbye. He looked so grown up walking in there with his backpack and not looking back, like he just didn't need me anymore! He is really enjoying it and its nice cause me and Chloe get some girl time while he is gone and Jace is asleep.

1 comment:

Missy said...

He is getting so big so cute... All you kids are how sad :( The e-mail I didn't get but my e-mail is so you can send it there :)