May 2, 2010

Stay off the grass.

I discovered that Jace really hates the grass. We were at the park and it was quite entertaining, a little cruel that we were just filming while he was tortured but thats what you do to get good video right? ha ha but it really was funny, we didn't even get the best of it on camera but these are still pretty good.

Its sad, but I love how he freaks out when his arm touches the grass, I'm sure the histerical laughing didn't help either.

He really wanted something on the grass, and as much as he hated touching the grass, he was determined to get it.


Jamie said...

That is hilarious! haha!

Denise Christiansen said...

i was priveledged to witness this occasion! it WAS hilarious!
cute family pic! love the background hehe
Jace looks so grown up!
LOVE your blog background!!