July 19, 2009

Cookies, sprinklers and popsicles

The kids have been going stir crazy cooped up in the house since we've been home from the hospital, and since I can't do much we decided to run through the sprinklers to get their energy out. It took a while for them to warm up to it, they were a little afraid at first but Kaden loved it once he did it a couple times with Derek, Chloe still needed to hold hands with someone, but laughed so hard when she got to the water. After all the fun they got to enjoy their favorite treat, popsicles!! It was so much fun to watch, it made me remember all the times I did it when I was a kid. I loved laying on the hot cement to get warm.

Another activity we tried to occupy them with was decorating cookies. With one of the dinners my neighbors dropped off they gave us a little kit. They loved it, their favorite part was eating the icing.


The Viewer said...

cute cute cute cute cute!!!!!

Denise Christiansen said...

how ingenious of you! great fun! man that boy is skinny! lol
those kits are great for taking to a mom in need. i did that once and they also loved it. very nice that your neighbor did that for them.
lol, my word veification is butsug.lol!