April 14, 2009

I'm a big kid now!

It was time to make room for the new baby, so Kaden got kicked out of the crib/toddler bed, and we got him a new one. He got a racecar bed and he was so excited for it. He knew it was coming because we kept trying to use it as a bribe, but he finally got it! I couldn't find any car bedding so I decided to make it. It killed me but I think it turned out ok. He was so excited and couldn't stop rolling around and jumping on his new bed. I'm hoping it helps with him wanting to stay in his own bed at night instead of ending up in ours!! Wouldn't that be great.


The Viewer said...

Can you say super mom!! You're a great mommy for making his cute Car's bedding. Way to be!! Love his new bed

Kasey, Chelsi, Auklin and Kanyin said...

awesome! the bedding looks amazing!!! hope you cleaned up your mess ; )

Matt and Jeni and kids said...

Yeah for Kaden in a big boy bed. That is what totally made the difference for Brinlee. She stays in bed all the time now. We are keeping our fingers crossed! The bedding is awesome. I can't believe you did it. I need to get motivated and do something like that too.

Denise Christiansen said...

wayq to go hun! you can always do whatever you set your mind to! so proud of you. these pics are so precious. he looks soooooo happy! it warms my heart!!!

Jaime said...

Thats a cute bed. I bet he was too excited to sleep in it.