May 12, 2008

Good Times

This week has been very fun filled! It was so fun to have Mike and Hollie and the kids here this week and we got to share some great memories with them. I put together a slide show of all the fun stuff we did.(Sorry there are a lot of pictures) Monday the kids went to the zoo with Nana and Papa, I had to work so I missed out on that great adventure! Tuesday we went bowling for Carter and Taylors birthday, then we went to the Discovery Gateway on Wednesday. The kids had a blast! Their favorite part was the ball area. They loved opening up the air duct and having the balls sucked up the tube and air blowing in their faces. They laughed so hard, it was quite entertaining. Friday night the boys got to have their first sleep over, they were so excited and had so much fun. They all did pretty good too. Saturday was lots of fun as well but I am now to the point of exhaustion! We went to Layton Park for family pictures, which is always an adventure with all the kids that want to run and play, but I think we might have gotten one good one. Then we had a picnic and then just played all day! We had croquet, baseball, football and of course the playground for the kids. Everyone had a great time and it was wonderful spending quality time with my family and especially Mike and Hollie before they ship off to England. We are going to miss them tons!


Bennington's said...

Looks like you had quite the eventful week. Sorry, you had to miss the adventure. Where do you work now? Well love the slidshow, your kids are really cute.

Amee Campbell said...

You are tagged! Get it off my blog.

Hollie and Mike Christiansen said...

Hey Kalli
Awesome pics..thanks for posting them so quick. I will eventually get mine updated. :)
So gald we were able to see everyone before we jetted off.
Love you guys!

Denise Christiansen said...

wonderful slide show. great to see the events I missed out on being sick, bummer! It was a joy to see pics of the fun they had though. thanks for that. i have the cutest grandkids in the world!